Journal Title | Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities (IJESH) |
Short Title | IJESH |
Abbreviation | |
ISSN | 2656-355X (online) | 2656-0267 (print) |
DOI Prefix | 10.31258/ijesh |
Editor in Chief | Dr. Enni Savitri, SE., MM., Ak., CA, |
Publisher | Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau |
ijesh@ | |
Frequency | twice times a year: Agustus-January, and February-July. |
Indonesian Journal of Economics, Social, and Humanities (IJESH) is a peer-reviewed academic journal of studies in the field of Economics, Social, and Humanities studies, both theories and practices published biannually in January and July by Research and Community Service Institution of Universitas Riau. Given that the journal prioritizes research reports in educational theories and practices, viewpoint articles in the field of education will also be considered for publication.
The journal welcomes author submission of original and significant contributions. Articles submitted should not have been previously published or be currently under consideration for publication any place else and should report original unpublished research results.
ERiau Journal of Empowerment has been indexed by: