Journal TitleJournal of Indonesian Science Teachers (JIST)
Short TitleJIST
ISSN2987-324X (online)
DOI Prefix
Editor in ChiefDr. Zulirfan, M.Si
PublisherMaster of Science Education Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Frequencythree times a year, in May, September, and January

Journal of Indonesian Science Teachers (JIST) is published by the Master of Science Education Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Riau in collaboration with the Association of Indonesian Science Educators (PPII) with MoU No.25/PPII/ J/2022. This journal is published three times a year, in May, September, and January. ISSN 2987-324X (online).

Journal of Indonesian Science Teachers is a media publication for original science education or learning research articles. Articles published focus on the results of science learning research or learning physics, chemistry, and biology which include: learning management systems and ICT-assisted learning, development and application of learning media, implementation of learning strategies, models, approaches, and classroom action research.

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