Journal Title Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability
Short TitleCERS
ISSN2964-9234 (print) | 2807-6451 (online)
DOI Prefix
Editor in ChiefDr. Neni Hermita, M.Pd
PublisherLPPM Universitas Riau
FrequencyThis journal is published 6 periods in a year, January, March, May, July, September, and November

Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability is a peer-reviewed journal concerned to publish community services activities in the purpose to empower the society. The first issue of this journal published in 2021.
This periodical publication receives articles in Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability invites manuscript in various topics dealing with the empowerment of society. The journal provides forum interested in performing community engagement as well as to those involved with the policy, business, and higher education.

This journal is published 6 periods in a year ( January, March, May, July, September, and November). Scope Journal of Community Engagement Research for Sustainability is all related to research and community service carried out by academics and practitioners in community empowerment activities.

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